The committee members will be the first point of contact according to their role.
Ian deals with DVLA requests and general club enquiries. Marge processes membership and associated matters. Caroline welcomes articles and pictures and advertisers for the magazine. Shaun can be contacted for all things social media and website content related.
Please contact them directly in the first instance but if telephoning please make it before 21:00 hours – it’s hard to believe but these folk do have a life outside of scooters!
For any web based enquiries – if you want your machine in the gallery for example then please contact or for technical website help – all other enquiries to relevant members please.
We have a wide range of club marque specialists – on joining we can put you in touch for model specific enquiries also – when doing so please observe the above protocol on times to call members.
Member | Contact |
Chairman and General Enquiries: Ian Harrop | 11 Ivanhoe Avenue Lowton-St-Lukes Warrington WA3 2HX Tel/Fax: 01942 743428 email: |
General Secretary: | email: |
Events Secretary: | email: |
DVLA Requests: | email: |
Finance Team: Ian Harrop | 11 Ivanhoe Avenue Lowton-St-Lukes Warrington WA3 2HX Tel/Fax: 01942 743428 |
Magazine Editor: Caroline Bostwick | email: |
Membership Secretary: Marge Harrop | Tel/Fax: 01942 743428 |
Webmaster: Lorenz Heil – for Website Technical help ONLY please | North Devon Email: |
Social Media (Including Website Content): Shaun Akroyd | Lancashire Email: or Facebook: |